Friday, February 14, 2020

Journalistic Contributions of Horace Greeley Essay

Journalistic Contributions of Horace Greeley - Essay Example Greeley's editorial and journalistic talent coupled with his political activity (he actively supported the Whig party) contributed to the success of the edition. In 1940 Horace Greeley became the head of the campaign weekly, the Log Cabin and contributed to William Henry Harrison's victory in presidential elections. Only having got the experience, increasing authority and a large audience, Horace Greeley founded the newspaper that became the most read edition in the southern states, the New York Tribune. It covered such fields as politics, social reforms and news. Via this newspaper Horace Greeley spread the communitarian ideas of Fourier, defended homestead principle of distributing free government land to settlers and other agrarian reforms and attacked the exploitation of wage labour. Sympathizing to settlers Greeley advised to "Go West, young man" (notwithstanding the fact that this phrase was initially written by John Soul in the Terre Haute Express in 1851, it is usually attributed to Greeley). Being sincere in his political views Horace Greeley founded a real tribune from which he could propagate his political ideas and convictions. In a shot period of time the daily circulation of the newspaper grew up to ten thousand in 1841 and to 300 thousand in 1861 (one should take into account that a newspaper was often read by a dozen of readers at the time). The historian Allan Nevins explains the enormous success of The Tribune: "The Tribune set a new standard in American journalism by its combination of energy in news gathering with good taste, high moral standards, and intellectual appeal. Police reports, scandals, dubious medical advertisements, and flippant personalities were barred from its pages; the editorials were vigorous but usually temperate; the political news was the most exact in the city; book reviews and book-extracts were numerous; and as an inveterate lecturer Greeley gave generous space to lectures. The paper appealed to substantial and thoughtful people." He continued to oppose the exploitation of wage labour, criticized monopolies and advocated the abolition of capital punishment. The articles and editorials Greeley wrote reflected the strategies of political flows he supported. In general all his professional activity was extremely influenced by his background and his current political views. And this sincere and strong belief in the right of his ideas made his journalistic style sharp, open and pathetic. His editorials were often reprinted by smaller newspapers. Opposing slavery, Horace Greeley was interested in feminist and socialist ideas as well. He maintained contact with Karl Marx, who being in London wrote the articles for the Tribune. Greeley called him "an instructive source of information". Having joined the Radical Party, Greeley supported Lincoln. When the war he took the Radical Republican position and criticized Lincoln's hesitating political course, his incapability to make the slavery the principal issue of the war, digression of the main political course in favour of moral principles. On 19th August, 1862 Greeley wrote an open letter to the president, and published it in the Tribune. In this famous and bold letter Greeley expressed a strong disappointment in

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Non-Destructive Testing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Non-Destructive Testing - Essay Example NDT is popular because of its harmless and unfaltering association with the final product to check its quality. As we acknowledge, all materials are imperfect, but this is only of concern if the imperfections adversely affect intermediate processing or use of the finished product. In order to detect imperfections, some form of testing is necessary that will not have a detrimental effect on the materials/components.NDT encompasses all the test methods that, when applied to a component, do not impair its subsequent utilization (Colangelo, p 44) If the testing does not destroy or damage the material in any way it is known as Non - Destructive Testing (NDT). NDT is crucial in characterizing final products into "zero defect" and "potentially flawed" parts, this characterization is fast and easy. Hence, the quality control is easy itself. For instance, let us take an example of a steel plant which makes "railroads". There is a specific dimensional requirement of every piece and also there is some maximum tolerance level for cracks and porosity holes in those pieces. Using NDT (laser and X-Ray techniques, we can determine the dimensions and flaws inside the rails in a very short period of time). A number of techniques are used in NDT; each is generally dependent on a different energy system. Techniques range from ordinary macroscopic examination with white light to the complex procedure of neutron radiography, each method having an area in which it yields optimum performance (Colangelo, p44) though it can often be used successfully on marginal situations when the need arises. In present case we will discuss TWO vastly used NDT methods: 1. Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) 2. Ultrasonic Testing MPI Magnetic Particle Inspection offers a means for the detection of surface and slightly subsurface discontinuities in ferromagnetic materials (Colangelo, p 48). MPI is not applicable to non-ferromagnetic materials thus many structural metals like austenitic stainless steel, aluminum magnesium, copper and titanium are excluded from this inspection. Only ferromagnetic materials are inspected through this method. Magnetic particle inspection (MPI) is a widely used nondestructive inspection method for aerospace applications essentially limited to experiment-based approaches (Betz 1997). The analysis of MPI properties that affect sensitivity and reliability contributes not only reductions in inspection design cost and time but also improvement of analysis of experimental data. Choosing a particle medium, consider the application. For convenience, select dry particles when inspecting large components such as forgings. Wet-particle inspection, often requiring a tank complete with stirring and pumping machinery, works well for production-line Magnetic Testing inspection. This approach is especially useful when the operator must examine large numbers of small, similarly sized components. When portability is important, particularly for field